Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wed 12:10-1:40

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
2 sets of 10 Ring Swings w/ Towell b/w feet **focus on tight hollow and arch positions
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 10 reps **video and put on site
A1. CG Bench Press @ 80-90%, 4 x 2 reps, rest 20 sec
A2. Clapping Push Ups, 4 x 5-10 unbroken reps, rest 2 min
B. Strict Pull-Up- 8, 6, 4 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec **add weight as possible
+ 8/5#,6/10,4/15
Got into 3 cleans at 185 I could not connect toes to bar for some reason, I mentally got nervous and I feel like it through me off.
10 sec Sled Push MAX EFFORT into 100m Sprint w/o sled, rest 2:00 x 4 **@ 135# on sled **push sled so you can just release and continue into the sprint


Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Snatch, 5 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 95# and build as long as technique is smooth and dialed in  **video for site
95 for all of them was really trying to stick with form

B. Dimmel Deadlifts, 2 x 20 @ 50%, rest as needed *
165, these I felt in my back I have to figure out how to loading my hips 

C. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec **heavy as possible here **Make sure keeping hollow body position, you should not feel this in your low back at all, it should be all glutes and hamstrings
175, for two then 185

E. DB Single Leg RDL w/ knee banded, 3 x 12/leg, rest as needed **video a set of these please **I’ll send you a video of these before this day..
25 pounds each hand.

Monday- Monday: 1:14-3:12
ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Push Press, build to 3RM
A2. Pronated Grip Pull-Up, build to 3RM (12 min for A1 and A2)
B1. Standing Banded Landmine Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
35# same band as last week
B2. Chest Supported DB Rows @ 2020 tempo, 3 x 8, rest 60 sec b/w sets **incline bench to about 30 degrees and lay face down on it for rows
C1. DB Hammer Curls @ 40X1, 3 x 12 reps, rest 60 sec
C2. Lying Overhead Tricep Extension w/ Barbell @ 40X1, 3 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec
**Use BFR on arms if possible
D. Banded Good Mornings (green rogue band), 50 reps accumulated

800m Sled Walk w/ 115# on top **Use BFR **vary style off feel- forward, reverse, lateral
200, each way

Saturday sick
Friday- 10:00-11:00
Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch, build to a tough complex in 15 min **reset on the ground each rep
75,95,115/ I haven't been able to feel a "groove" of hitting snatchs lately

B. Back Squat @ 43X1, build to 1RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **note change in tempo
C. Deadlift, 12, 10, 8 **adjust weight based off reps**all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
D1. Back Rack Walking Lunges, 3 x 10 steps, rest as needed
D2. Hip Extension @ 4022, 3 x 8-10, rest as needed**hold weight across chest if possible
I had do leave before I got to these I had to get to work early for holiday weekend.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

wed. 10:14 11:44

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 10 reps **video and put on site
A1. CG Bench Press @ 80-85%, 4 x 3 reps, rest 20 sec

A2. Clapping Push Ups, 4 x 5-10 unbroken reps, rest 2 min
sets of 10

B. Strict Pull-Up- 8, 6, 4 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec **add weight as possible
8(5#) 6(10) 4(15)

8 min AMRAP
Squat Clean @ 85% 1RM
185   24 times

10 sec Sled Push MAX EFFORT into 100m Sprint w/o sled, rest 2:00 x 4 **@ 135# on sled


Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Clean to OH, 5 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 115# and build as long as technique is smooth and dialed in **didn’t see any on instagram.  Take video and use youtube capture to post link on site
could only get to 135 dont know what was happening

B. Thrusters, 30 reps @ 135# for time:

C. Deadlift, 1/15 sec for 5 min @ 60% + band

D. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec **heavy as possible here **Make sure keeping hollow body position, you should not feel this in your low back at all, it should be all glutes and hamstrings

E. Single Leg RDL w/ back foot elevated on Wall, 3 x 12/leg, rest as needed **video a set of these please

(last weeks)

if you look at my lower back you will see it is bent< for some reason that feels like its straight( when i was doing the movement) i dont know how to get into the position, any tips would be great) i can see if that is the reason for the back pain)


Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Incline Bench Press, build to 2RM
A2. Pronated Grip Pull-Up, build to 2RM (12 min for A1 and A2)
B1. Standing Banded Landmine Press @ 20X1, 3 x 10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
black band with 25 plate
B2. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s @ 2020 tempo, 3 x 8, rest 60 sec b/w sets
115 each time
C1. DB Hammer Curls @ 30X1, 3 x 12 reps, rest 60 sec
C2. Lying Overhead Tricep Extension w/ Barbell @ 30X1, 3 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec
**Use BFR on arms if possible
200m Reverse Sled Walk for time w/ 85# on top **Use BFR
400m Forward Sled Walk w/ 115# on top **Use BFR
Sat 12:55-2:13

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Front Squat + Jerk, tough complex in 4 sets
155,175,195,205 failed twice tried 195 again and couldnt get any of them
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
AMRAP Unbroken Ring Dips
**record rounds + reps on RD each time
5 rounds 10 dips each time
Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 60 sec
AMRAP Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
**record rounds + reps on PU each time
7 rounds 5 each time last round got 2 pull ups
Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
40 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
AMRAP Unbroken Toes to Bar
**record rounds + reps on TTB each time
4 rounds 15 t2b each time except last round i got 14

friday 10;35-12;11

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch no hook grip, build to a tough complex in 15 min **reset on the ground each rep
           got up to 125
B. Back Squat @ 10X1, build to 1RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **note change in tempo
C. Deadlift @ 270#, 10, 10, 10, 10 **all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
           185, then did 205 for the rest
D. Back Rack Walking Lunges, 3 x 14 steps, rest 90 sec
E. Sled Walk forward- 4 x 45 sec, rest 90 sec **175-205# on sled **use Blood Flow Restriction

 (my back was sore, i tried to do everything as prescribed I was having trouble standing straight up)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

We'd. 11:38 -1/07

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 10 reps
A1. CG Bench Press @ 75%, 4 x 4 reps, rest 20 sec
A2. Clapping Push Ups, 4 x 5-10 unbroken reps, rest 2 min
B. Strict Pull-Up- 10, 8, 6 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec
8 min AMRAP
3 Deadlifts, 275#
3 Bench Press @ 165#
+7 rounds
10 sec Sled Sprint MAX EFFORT into 100m Sprint w/o sled, rest 2:00 x 4 **@ 135# on sled
**shouldn’t take more than 25 sec total- 10 sec sled that leaves 15 sec for 100m sprint
It took me 29 seconds every time I don't k ow how to get out of the harness to run any faster.


Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Clean to OH, 5 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 75# and build as long as technique is smooth and dialed in **video a few of these please
75,85,95,105,115,125,135,145,145,145 Instagram video @145

B. Back Squat, 3/min for 8 min @ 60% **move bar as fast as possible
C. Deadlift, 1/15 sec for 5 min @ 55% + band

D. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec **heavy as possible here **Make sure keeping hollow body position, you should not feel this in your low back at all, it should be all glutes and hamstrings
E. Single Leg RDL w/ back foot elevated on Wall, 3 x 12/leg, rest as needed

Monday 4:45 6;40

Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Incline Bench Press, build to 4RM
A2. Pronated Grip Pull-Up, build to 3RM (12 min for A1 and A2)

B. DB Floor Press holding Extended Glute Bridge @ 20X2, 4 x 10 reps, rest 90 sec **Keep hips extended throughout movement
40, then 45 for the rest

C. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s @ 2020 tempo, 3 x 8, rest 60 sec b/w sets

D1. DB Hammer Curls @ 30X1, 3 x 12 reps, rest 60 sec
D2. Lying Overhead Tricep Extension w/ Barbell @ 30X1, 3 x 15 reps, rest 60 sec
**Use BFR on arms if possible
100m Reverse Sled Walk for time w/ 85# on top **Use BFR
50m Lateral Sled Drag each direction **Use BFR
200m Forward Sled Walk w/ 115# on top **Use BFR

Sat. 11:23 12:48
Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Hang Squat Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk, tough complex in 4 sets
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
2 Ring Dips
20 sec Ring Support Hold
20 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
4 185 row

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 60 sec
5 Strict Pull-Ups
15 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
15 sec Active Hang from Bar (arms extended but squeezing scaps down
Rest 3 min
4 40 sec bike
12 min @ 60-70%
40 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
7 Ring Rows @ 2020 tempo
12 Back Extensions
3 9 back extensions

Friday 5:42-7:35

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. 2 Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch, build to a tough complex in 15 min **reset on the ground each rep
75, up by 5# to 145
B. Back Squat @ 11X1, build to 1RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **note change in tempo
C. Deadlift @ 260#, 10, 10, 10, 10 **all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
D. Back Rack Walking Lunges, 3 x 20 steps, rest 90 sec
E. Sled Walk forward- 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec **155# on sled **use Blood Flow Restriction

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Wed. 6:00-7:00/ this is when I lost email and did what I could remember

1 neg. muscle up 1 every 40 sec for 7 minutes

Bench @75% 3 min for 7

3x5 pull up @ 20x2

3x5-8 clapping pu
Sets of 8

Dl @ 275
Bench @155

10 sec sprint w/ sled @135
Into 100 meter sprint r 1:48
4 sets

Took rougly 35 seconds with sled sprint +100 meter sprint to accomish
Tuesday 5:36 7:13
 A power snatch 5 tng for 10 min start at 75
Vid on Instagram phone won't store and vids I had to take it from someone else's phone and post it through there
75,85,85,95,95,105 for rest needed to stay there for good form with back

Back squat 3 min. For 8 minutes @55%

C deadlift purple band 1/20 sec for 7 @55

D hip thrust @ 30x3 3x12
Back wasn't having more then 135

Single leg rdl raised leg 3x 12
95 because of low back
Monday 6:25-8:07
A1 floor press build 2 rm
A2. Supinated grip pull up
5,10,15,29,25,35 /5-20 I was able to do chest to bar

Seated Arnold press @20x2 4x10
30 for 2 35 for 2 I didn't know if I was supposed to use back rest or not I use it and thought after that I probably shouldn't have.

Supinate a grip bent row @20x2
3x8 110,125,125

Db hammer curls @30x1 3x12

Lying tricep extension with barbell @30x1 3x12

300 meter reverse sled drag with 85# 7:49

390 meter forward sled walk with 30 pound slam ball 5:54

Had to rest a few times but never dropped ball this was really affecting the back.
Sat. 2:20 3:45 (back still stiff

A power clean+push press+push jerk+split jerk 4 sets

Power clean+ push jerk+ split jerk
3 sets build off of a
165 felt good just could clean more with back

12 min @60-70
20 sec tripod hs hold
40 sec wall facing hs hold 5 clapping push up
3 rounds

12 min
Bike 60 sec
7 push press @115
10ghd @3010
4 rounds
12 min
40 du
2 wall walks
10 wall balls with 30# sand ball
10 back extensions
Friday 4:29-6:15

A. 3 snatch pulls+ power snatch 15 min. Tough complex

B. Back squat @12x1 build 1rm in 12 min drop 10% 3x3
305/ 275 for sets

C. Deadlift @255 20,10,10,10
Failed at 15 rested and did last 5 then did other sets << this is where back started acting up and grip went

D. Back rack walking lunge 3x24
95 went for 115 but back wasn't having it

Sled walk 4x60 @145

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 10 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 55% + chains, 3/min for 9 min, move bar up and down as fast as possible (if you don’t have chains, try to use light bands, the setup is kind of difficult so you’ll probably need some help, if you can’t do either, then use 60% bar weight
Lou Simmons way with 100db 115

B. Strict Chest to Bar- 4 x 5 reps @ 20X2 **put toes on box so you can get chest to bar every time and hold it on there for 2 sec
Same as last week when I got my self in the position felt a lot of the weight was on my feet not on shoulders
Power Clean @ 185#
Strict HSPU’s
Got 1 round spent 10 minutes to try to get the 3 hspu in second round.
12 sec Sled Sprint MAX EFFORT, rest 1:48 x 6 **add 10# to last week
Had to go with 135 that's the most space I have on the sleds bar.
Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Snatch, 5 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 75# and build as long as technique is smooth and dialed in
Hands started sweating really bad got up to 135 and last 2 sets weren't looking good

B. Front Squat, 3/min for 8 min @ 55% + chains if possible **move bar as fast as possible (if no chains, use 65% bar weight)
185 no chains
C. Deadlift, 1/30 sec for 7 min @ 55% + band **video so I can see speed w/ band
180 purple band

D. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 15 reps, rest 90 sec 
E. Single Leg RDL w/ back foot elevated on Wall, 3 x 10/leg, rest as needed


Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Ring Dip Press, build to 2RM

A2. L-sit Weighted Pull-Up, build to 2RM (12 min for A1 and A2)

B. Seated DB Press, 50 reps for time w/ same weight used for 8 x 8’s last week
This I goofed up big time my right shoulder was hurting so I grabbed the 30's which I thought but had a 25 in the good hand and 30 in the bad one and didn't think much of it because it was already stiff..
So it was 25 and 30 took 3:49
C. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s @ 2020 tempo, 5 x 8, rest 60 sec b/w sets
300m Reverse Sled Walk for time w/ 85# on top **Use BFR
300m Forward Sled Walk w/ 85# on top with 30# bear hug med ball carry **Use BFR
No med ball but a slam ball at 30 and took 4:28

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Power Clean + Press + Push Press + Push Jerk  + Split Jerk, tough complex in 4 sets

B. Power Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, tough complex in 3 sets building from A
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM
3 Box Jumps, 36”
Snatches were really hard at 145 and were not looking good.
4 rounds

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 60 sec
5 Ring Dips @ 2020 tempo
8 GH Sit Ups @ 3010 tempo
4 rounds 6 GHD

Rest 3 min

12 min @ 60-70%
50’ Bear Crawl Sled Drag
60 sec Farmer’s Carry, 53#
30 sec Table Hold
4 10 feet into sled drag 90# on sled