Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
2 sets of 10 Ring Swings w/ Towell b/w feet **focus on tight hollow and arch positions
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 10 reps **video and put on site
A1. CG Bench Press @ 80-90%, 4 x 2 reps, rest 20 sec
A2. Clapping Push Ups, 4 x 5-10 unbroken reps, rest 2 min
B. Strict Pull-Up- 8, 6, 4 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec **add weight as possible
+ 8/5#,6/10,4/15
Got into 3 cleans at 185 I could not connect toes to bar for some reason, I mentally got nervous and I feel like it through me off.
10 sec Sled Push MAX EFFORT into 100m Sprint w/o sled, rest 2:00 x 4 **@ 135# on sled **push sled so you can just release and continue into the sprint