Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wednesday- 10:29-12:03

DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
2 sets of 10 Ring Swings w/ Towell b/w feet **focus on tight hollow and arch positions **tighter hollow position, there should be no angle at your hips.  Also more active shoulders keeping more tension on the rings.  Lastly, raise the rings to where you have to jump to them
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 12 reps
A. CG Bench Press, build to 1RM, then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 90-120 sec b/w sets building then 2-3 min b/w sets on drop sets
205/ 175 tried 185 but couldn't get three so dropped to 175

B. Strict Pull-Up- 3 x AMRAP Unbroken, rest 120 sec

8 min AMRAP
3 Power Clean, 185#
3 HSPU’s
7 rounds
4 sets
45 sec Forward Sled Drag w/ harness around waist, heavy grinding weight, rest 90 sec
Tues. 10:24-11:54

Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. 30 reps Ground to OH (Cl&J anyway) @ 135# for time: (all fast singles)
B. Banded Dimmel Deadlifts, 1 x 20 @ 40% + band, rest as needed  *video and post to blog *
C. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 15 reps + 10 sec squeeze at top of last rep each set, rest 90 sec **heavy as possible here
E. DB Single Leg RDL w/ knee banded, 3 x 12/leg, rest as needed **this looked a lot better than the RFE RDL’s
Mon. 10:14 11:50

Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Ring Dip, build to 1RM **video
A2. 1 Ring Muscle Up attempt after each set of A1 for up to 5 attempts **video a couple
B. HSPU’s- 50 kipping for time:
C. Unbroken CTB Pull-Up Ladder for time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 **must break at each # and each # must be unbroken.  If you break before the given # then you have to rest and redo that set
6:30, I have to be honest the integrity with three of the reps were not as up to par as I wanted and shouldn't have counted them I got the height but didn't make contact with the bar

D. Banded Good Mornings (green rogue band), 80 reps accumulated
400m Sled Walk w/ 155# on top **Use BFR **vary style off feel- forward or reverse
100 meters each
Sat 11:00 11:37

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Clean & Jerk, tough single in 15 min **video and post to blog

10 min clock
21-15-9  (record time of the 21-15-9)
Thrusters, 95#
Build to 1RM Clean & Jerk in remaining time:
Friday 10:21-11:41

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec for 5-10 reps @ 60-70% into 1/45 sec for 5 reps @ 70-80% into 1/60 sec for 5 reps @ 80-90% **if no misses, continue building off the clock to 1RM- video a few heavy reps and post to block
1/30 60-70 115 missed 1
1/45 70-80 135
1/60 80-90 155 missed 3

B. Back Squat @ 20X1, tough single in 15 min **not 1RM unless it just feels that good, keep it fast out of the whole

Open WOD
17 min AMRAP
40 Burpees to 6” target
30 Snatches, 75#
30 Burpees to 6” target
30 Snatches, 135#
20 Burpees to 6” target
30 Snatches, 165#
10 Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 210#
Round of 20 burpees got to rep 10

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Wed. 10:16-11:50

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
2 sets of 10 Ring Swings w/ Towell b/w feet **focus on tight hollow and arch positions **tighter hollow position, there should be no angle at your hips.  Also more active shoulders keeping more tension on the rings.  Lastly, raise the rings to where you have to jump to them
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 12 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 80-90%, build to tough single, then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 90-120 sec b/w sets building then 2-3 min b/w sets on drop sets
With this I was confused do I build up to a 1 rep in between 80-90 percent? And take breaks that way? Then break between sets?
I built to 185, then did 1 set at 155,165,175
B. Strict Pull-Up- 8, 6, 4 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec **add weight as possible
6,11,16 these I struggled with today for some reason.. could barely get that chin over the bar towards the end of each set
3 min AMRAP
5 Unbroken Toes to bar -must be 5 unbroken each time
7 sets
Rest 3 min
5 min AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5 Squat Clean TnG Ladder- 1 unbroken, 2 TnG unbroken, 3 TnG UB, 4, 5 then start back at 1
Got 2 climbing sets of 5 then 1 rep
Rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP
5 Unbroken Toes to bar -must be 5 unbroken each time
7 sets
4 sets
45 sec Forward Sled Drag w/ harness around waist, heavy grinding weight, rest 90 sec

Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Hang Power Clean to OH, 5 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 95# and build as long as technique is smooth and dialed in  **video for site
95/2,115/2,135/2,155/1,145/1,135/1 adjusted because of form

B. Dimmel Deadlifts, 2 x 20 @ 50%, rest as needed  *video and post to blog *
C. American Hip Thrust @ 30X3, 3 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec **heavy as possible here 
185 **Make sure keeping hollow body position, you should not feel this in your low back at all, it should be all glutes and hamstrings

E. DB Single Leg RDL w/ knee banded, 3 x 12/leg, rest as needed **this looked a lot better than the RFE RDL’s
30 each hand
Monday: 4:29-6:10

Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Push Press, build to 1RM **video
95,135,165,185 stopped because of form

A2. Pronated Grip Pull-Up, build to 1RM (12 min for A1 and A2) **video
B1. Standing Banded Landmine Press @ 20X1, 4 x 5/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms 
B2. Chest Supported DB Rows @ 2020 tempo, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec b/w sets **incline bench to about
30 degrees and lay face down on it for rows
C1. DB Hammer Curls @ 40X1, 3 x 10 reps, rest 60 sec
C2. Lying Overhead Tricep Extension w/ Barbell @ 40X1, 3 x 12 reps, rest 60 sec
**Use BFR on arms if possible
D. Banded Good Mornings (green rogue band),70 reps accumulated
800m Sled Walk w/ 135# on top **Use BFR **vary style off feel- forward, reverse, lateral
200 each direction

Sat. 10:50-12:21

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk, tough complex in 4 sets

12 min @ 60-70%
Row 400m
AMRAP Unbroken CG Bench Press @ 135#
5 rounds 7 reps each

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 60 sec
AMRAP Kipping CTB Pull-Ups
6 rounds 15,15,10,8,8,3

**record rounds + reps on PU each time

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
40 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
AMRAP Unbroken Toes to Bar
**record rounds + reps on TTB each time
5 rounds 10 reps each and was into 20 du
Friday 4:09-5:54

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec for 5-10 reps @ 60-70% into 1/45 sec for 5 reps @ 70-80% into 1/60 sec for 5 reps @ 80-90% **if no misses, continue building off the clock to 1RM- video a few heavy reps and post to block
5 @115, 5 @ 135, missed twice got 2@ 155 and stoped there

B. Back Squat @ 50X1, build to 1RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **note change in tempo **video and post to blog

C. Sumo Deadlift, build to 10RM, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets

D1. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 3 x 10 steps, rest as needed
D2. Hip Extension @ 4022, 3 x 8-10, rest as needed**hold weight across chest if possible
**D1 & 2 should be supersetted going back and forth between theh 2