Thursday, January 5, 2017

Wed. 10:16-11:50

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
2 sets of 10 Ring Swings w/ Towell b/w feet **focus on tight hollow and arch positions **tighter hollow position, there should be no angle at your hips.  Also more active shoulders keeping more tension on the rings.  Lastly, raise the rings to where you have to jump to them
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 12 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 80-90%, build to tough single, then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 90-120 sec b/w sets building then 2-3 min b/w sets on drop sets
With this I was confused do I build up to a 1 rep in between 80-90 percent? And take breaks that way? Then break between sets?
I built to 185, then did 1 set at 155,165,175
B. Strict Pull-Up- 8, 6, 4 reps @ 20X1, rest 90-120 sec **add weight as possible
6,11,16 these I struggled with today for some reason.. could barely get that chin over the bar towards the end of each set
3 min AMRAP
5 Unbroken Toes to bar -must be 5 unbroken each time
7 sets
Rest 3 min
5 min AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5 Squat Clean TnG Ladder- 1 unbroken, 2 TnG unbroken, 3 TnG UB, 4, 5 then start back at 1
Got 2 climbing sets of 5 then 1 rep
Rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP
5 Unbroken Toes to bar -must be 5 unbroken each time
7 sets
4 sets
45 sec Forward Sled Drag w/ harness around waist, heavy grinding weight, rest 90 sec

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