Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mon. 10:14 11:50

Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Ring Dip, build to 1RM **video
A2. 1 Ring Muscle Up attempt after each set of A1 for up to 5 attempts **video a couple
B. HSPU’s- 50 kipping for time:
C. Unbroken CTB Pull-Up Ladder for time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 **must break at each # and each # must be unbroken.  If you break before the given # then you have to rest and redo that set
6:30, I have to be honest the integrity with three of the reps were not as up to par as I wanted and shouldn't have counted them I got the height but didn't make contact with the bar

D. Banded Good Mornings (green rogue band), 80 reps accumulated
400m Sled Walk w/ 155# on top **Use BFR **vary style off feel- forward or reverse
100 meters each

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