Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday- Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Back Squat @ 70% 1RM, 3/min for 10 min **down and up as fast as possible (if you have chains do 55% bar weight + chains) **note if you have chains- video one set if possible
No chains #225
B. Banded Deadlift, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 60% bar weight **focus on exploding up as fast as possible **video one set
#190 black band.
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Thrusters @ 115#
2nd- Row 12 Cals
12 min EMOM
1st- 7 Power Cleans TnG @ 105#
2nd- 9 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
**you can rest 3 min b/w sets

Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A1. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to tough double, in 10 min
A2. Weighted Towel Pull Up, build to tough double in 10 min
B1. CG Bench Press @ 80-85% of A1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 30 sec
165 did sets with tempo
B2. Legless Rope Climb, 3 x 1 reps, rest 90 sec
+ still have trouble realising with one hand to touch top beam

10 min @ aerobic effort
50 Double Unders
12 DB Thrusters, 35#/H
9 Toes to Bar
6 Burpee Box Jumps, 30”
2 rounds and 2 into toes to bar

Rest 5 min

10 min @ aerobic effort
Run 200m
12 Power Snatch, 65#
9 Wallball, 20#
6 CTB Pull-Ups

3 rounds.

Still having trouble connecting my chest to the bar don't know if it's width of my grip or not pulling myself into the bar
Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk, tough single in 12 min **start @ 65% and increase off feel as perfect technique allows
125, 135, 145,155,160,165,170,185,190

B1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1, rest 30 sec (second wave should be heavier than first)
Percentage were 60-85
160,185,215. 170,195,230
B2. GH Raise @ 40X1 (use band assistance as needed), 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
Sets of 6
C. Staggered Stance RDL w/ Barbell @ 3010, 3 x 8/leg, rest as needed
D. Zercher Carry (use axle bar if possible), 4 x 100’ heavy as possible, rest as needed

No axel bar...went from ground. Deadlifted then put on knees and stood up that way

Saturday was away to see family.

Friday- Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. Hang Snatch (mid thigh), 1/min for 12 min **torso vertical on the dip and drive
#115, stayed around there entire time form wasn't doing very well

B. Back Squat, build to 2RM for day then -15-20% for 3 sets of 5, rest as needed **build on your 3 drop sets if it feels good
#290/ 250,255,265
C. Halting Snatch Deadlift w/ straps from 2” deficit @ 31X1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min **stand on 25# bumper plates, pause 2” off the ground for 2 sec then finish the rep, control 3 sec down then 1 sec on ground to reset
D1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 3 x 10/leg alternating, rest 60 sec
D2. Back Extensions @ 4022, 3 x 12-15, rest 90 sec
Sets of 15
**this is a tough strength day.  May want to look into getting some glycofuse or some kind of carbohydrate to mix with BCAA’s to sip on during this session I would get upwards of 50g of carbs in liquid form after this session (you can start sipping on them during it)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

10:15 11:50

Wednesday- Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Back Squat @ 65% 1RM, 3/min for 10 min **down and up as fast as possible (if you have chains do 50% bar weight + chains)
B. Banded Deadlift, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 55% bar weight **focus on exploding up as fast as possible
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Thrusters @ 105#
2nd- Row 12 Cals
+(rested 3 minutes between this, I don't know if I wasn't supposed to or not) I have been meaning to ask
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Power Cleans TnG @ 105#
2nd- 9 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”

Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A1. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to tough triple, in 10 min
A2. Weighted Towel Pull Up, build to tough triple in 10 min
B1. CG Bench Press @ 85% of A1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 30 sec
155 did these with tempo
B2. Towel Pull-Ups unweighted, 3 x 5 reps, rest 90 sec
10 min @ aerobic effort
Row 250m
12 Wallball, 20#
7 Toes to Bar
4 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”

4 rounds and was in 25 meters of row
Rest 5 min

10 min @ aerobic effort
Run 200m
12 Russian Kb Swings, 70#
3 Kipping HSPU’s
3 Ring Dips
5 CTB Pull Ups

3 rounds finished and just finished the 4th run

Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Hang Power Clean and Split Jerk, tough single in 12 min **start @ 65% and increase off feel as perfect technique allows
120,130,140,150,155,160,170,180 stopped for form
B1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2, rest 30 sec (second wave should be heavier than first)
55%-80% messed up and forgot tempo all except last two sets
6@145,4@170,2@195, 6@160,4@185*,2@215* (* the ones I rembered tempos
B2. GH Raise @ 40X1 (use band assistance as needed), 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
C. Staggered Stance RDL w/ Barbell @ 3010, 3 x 10/leg, rest as needed
D. Double KB Front Rack Walk, 4 x 100’ heavy as possible, rest as needed **hands touching in front and elbows down
#44,55, 63 for sets of 2
Saturday- UB Structural Strength + Threshold Cyclical
A1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
2@ 25, 2@ 35
A2. Single Arm Bent Row 20X0, 4 x 8-10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms **heavy
# 55 went with clean form
B. Overhead Barbell Hold @ 100% of 1RM Press- accumulate 2 min for time
Took 3:50 for 2 min.
C. Chin Over Bar Hold- accumulate 1 min for time
1:45, tried 15 sec intervals had trouble after the second set to keep chin over the bar
3 sets
Row 3 min @ high aerobic effort (slightly slower than 2k pace)
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Sled Push 15 sec, heavy grinding weight but steady movement for 15 sec
Rest 3 min

1:50-55 pace, 70,85,100 didn't realize it was that light.
Friday- Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. High Hang Snatch, 1/min for 12 min **torso vertical on the dip and drive
1@65,3@95,2@105,2@115, 125 for the rest.
B. Back Squat, build to 3RM for day then -15% for 3 sets of 5, rest as needed
185, 155 for the rest.
C. Halting Snatch Deadlift w/ straps from 2” deficit @ 31X1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min **stand on 25# bumper plates, pause 2” off the ground for 2 sec then finish the rep, control 3 sec down then 1 sec on ground to reset
D1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 3 x 12/leg alternating, rest 60 sec #95
D2. Back Extensions @ 4022, 3 x 12-15, rest 90 sec
Sets of 12

Time: 5:15-6:42

This was the day my back was really sore

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

 Wednesday- Deadlift + UB Gymnastics + SL + Aerobic
A. Deadlift, build to a 3RM TnG
135,185,225,275,300,310, ended with 315 for a pr

B. Front Rack Step Ups, build to 10RM each leg
+ ( these I did as left step right step for all 10
135 felt like a lot

20 sets of 5 Unbroken Pull Ups for time **must break at 5 reps and must complete 5 unbroken each time.
+ 6:58

Row 500m for time:1:37 rower was on setting 7
Tuesday- Press/Pull Int + LP + Skill EMOM
A1. Ring dip, build to a tough triple
Set of three at 25
A2. Pendlay Row @ 20X2 w/ supinated grip, 5 x 5, rest 60 sec
3 sets for times:
5 Front Squats @ 70% 1RM
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
Run 400m
Rest 3 min b/w sets

Set 1: 3:10
Set 2: 3:09
Set 3: 252
Monday- BSQ Int/BSQ Mod + Snatch Tech + Clean Tech
A. Snatch, build to 1RM
#155 felt pretty good!
B. Back Squat, build to a tough single in 12 min, 1RM if feeling good
#305 < was feeling really heavy on the way up

C. Power Clean, 1/min for up to 10 min **start @ 65% and add 5% each minute as long as you don’t fail a rep
+ got to the 7th minute @200
10 min Bike cool down
Saturday- Mixed MAP
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings, 53#
12 Pull Ups
Rest 10 min
100 Wallball, 20# for time

Finally have an accurate 400 meters now for running
Friday- FSQ/BSQ + UB Strength
A. FSQ/BSQ @ 100% of FSQ 1RM- 5 x 2/4, rest 2-3 min **2 front squats, rack it then straight into 4 BSQ’s w/ same weight
Failed first set and dropped to 255 did 2 sets then couldn't just get the weight up anymore

B1. Bench Press @ 20X1, build to a 1RM in 15 min, then drop 20% for 3 sets of 3
#200 then 3 sets with tempo at 180
B2. Wtd Pull Up @ 20X1, build to a 1RM in 15 min alternating with bench press, then drop weight and do 3 sets of max unbroken
#40 then pull ups without tempo 13,10,10 (strict)

C1. Single Arm DB Press, 3 x 5 reps, rest 90 sec @ 45%+
C2. Single Arm Bent Row, 3 x 8 reps, rest 90 sec @ 65#+
D1. Lying Single Arm Tricep Extension @ 30X1, 3 x 12/arm, rest as needed
D2. Bicep curls w/ DB’s, 3 x 12/arm, rest as needed
This was changed when I tweeked my neck that one day

A. Deadlift @ 41X1, 3 x 10 reps, moderate light load, focus on perfect posture and keeping chin tucked, stop if causes any more pain
B. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 24 Steps, rest 2 min
2@45 2@50 << these felt hard on my legs for some reason

C1. Chest Supported DB Row @ 20X2, 4 x 10, rest 60 sec #30
C2. Single Arm DB Bench Press @ 30X1, 4 x 10, rest 90 sec #45
10 min @ 70%
Bike 2 min
35 sec hollow body hold
3 and 20 seconds into the hollow position << these I felt a very little in my back. 
Tuesday- Press/Pull Int + LP + Skill EMOM
A1. Push Press @ 20X2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, rest 30 sec **second set of 3, 2, 1 should be higher than first
3@ 140, 2@ 160, 1@180 3@150,2@170,1@190(failed twice

A2. Pendlay Row @ 20X2 w/ supinated grip, 6 x 5, rest 60 sec
+145 once, rest at 140

100m Sled Push for time: 100# on top of sled
Rest as needed
5 rounds for time:
20 Wallball, 20#
10 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders

Monday, September 5, 2016

Monday- BSQ Int/BSQ Mod + Snatch Tech + Clean Tech
A1. Back Squat, build to a tough double in 12 min, then drop 10% and do 3 sets of 2 reps
#305. 3 sets at 275
B. Squat Snatch, 1/min for up to 10 min **start @ 60% and add 5% each minute as long as you don’t fail a rep
Stopped at 7th minute I dropped at at 155
90,95, 105, 115,125,135,145,failed 155
C. Power Clean, 1/min for up to 10 min **start @ 60% and add 5% each minute as long as you don’t fail a rep
Made it to 200
10 min Bike cool down
Saturday- Mixed MAP
5 sets @ high consistent effort **mix and match order each set.  Goal is for last one to be the fastest one
Row 500m
15 Russian KB Swings, 53#
3 Ring Dips
15 Box Jumps, 30”
6 Ring Push Ups
15 Hang Power Cleans, 75#
9 Push Ups
Rest 5 min b/w sets

Box jump , ring dips, kb swing, row, ring pu,hang clean, push ups

Row, push up, hang clean,ring pu, dips, box kb,

Clean, row, push up, dips, box, ring push up, kb

Row, kb, push up, box, dips, ring push ups, hang clean

(I recordedy last set after I got off the row to see what you thought, I noticed in my clean I was hinging with my back where I have the pain I talked about, do you have any tips on how to keep that area tight!?) and wanted to know your thoughts about how it looked.

Friday- FSQ/BSQ + UB Strength
A. FSQ/BSQ @ 95% of FSQ 1RM- 5 x 2/4, rest 2-3 min **2 front squats, rack it then straight into 4 BSQ’s w/ same weight
B1. Bench Press @ 20X1, build to a tough double in 10 min, then drop 10% for 3 sets of 2
#175 then sets at 155 ( posted video for you to see, do you know why my numbers aren't higher still?)

B2. Wtd Pull Up @ 20X1, build to a tough double in 10 min alternating with bench press, then drop weight and do 3 sets of max unbroken #30 pounds
12,10,9 I did these without tempo I didn't know if that is what you wanted

C1. Single ArmDB Press, 3 x 5 reps, rest 90 sec @ 45%+
C2. Single Arm Bent Row, 3 x 8 reps, rest 90 sec @ 65#+
D. Dragon Flags, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest as needed **assisting up and keeping tight on way down is fine. Just do best you can

Wednesday- Deadlift + UB Gymnastics + SL + Aerobic
A. Deadlift @ 210#, 20 TnG, 10, 10, 10, go every 4 min

B1. Rope Climb, 5 x 1, rest 60 sec **legless if possible

B2. Strict HSPU’s 5 x 2.2.1, rest 90 sec **do 2, drop rest 10 sec, do 2, drop rest 10 sec **note how HSPU’s go

C. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 14 Steps, rest 60 sec b/w legs **video one set please
165, 145, 145,150 (tweeked my neck when I was doing the hspu, these felt difficult)

10 min @ 70%
Row 250m
30 sec hollow body hold
20 sec Top of Pull Up Hold on Rings, trying to get chest to rings and hold false grip if possible
( really have trouble with holding a false grip
25 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3 rounds and 10 seconds into hollow rock ( I erased it by accident and could find where I wrote it down so I based it off memory)