Thursday, October 27, 2016


Wednesday- Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Deadlift, build to 1RM **don’t risk back, go heavy and push it but if you feel uncomfortable at all, stop there
+ 330 back felt great had more trouble keeping upper back in position then lower back!
Eccentric Only Muscle Up- 1/min for 10 min --
12 min EMOM
1st- 20-30 sec Top of Ring Support Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
1 round all 30 seconds, second round only top ring hold was thirty rest was 20 pu position started to sink to being forehead at bar height and shoulders started caving last two rounds on rings
3 attempts, max unbroken Double Unders, rest 2 min b/w sets
+ 65,83,50
100 Wallball for time:
Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to 1RM
B. Legless Rope Climbs to 15’, 5 reps for time:
1:51 our rope is 20 ft went the best I could went to same spot each time
For time:
Thrusters, 95#
Bar-Facing Burpees

Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to 1RM
B. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, build to 1RM in 15 min **start @ 70% and build
150-205. Ran out of time
C. Back Rack RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, build to 8RM each leg
135 worked up to 175
D. Sled Walk w/ harness around waist, 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec **heavy grinding wait, constant steady walking pace digging through heel.
Saturday- UB Structural Strength + Threshold Cyclical
A1. Strict Pull-Up, build to a 1RM weighted
A2. Bar-Dips, build to 1RM weighted
B. 20 sets of 5 Unbroken Pull-Ups **must break at 5 and must be 5 unbroken each set
Kipping 7:43
C. Ring Dips, 1 x max unbroken
20, kipping
3 sets, Row 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min *record fastest pace achieved 1:22,1:19,1:18
Row 500m for time
Setting is always on 7
Friday- Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. Squat Snatch, 1/90 sec for as long as possible, start @ 115# and build 10# each min **once you get to 155, you can start making smaller jumps if you want
Got up to 165
B. Squat Snatch @ 75% 1RM, 30 reps for time
130. 10:35
C. Back Squat, build to 85% for a single
D. Deadlift, build to a 10RM TnG
265 grip started to go

Friday, October 21, 2016

Wednesday- Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Back Squat @ 80% 1RM, 1/min for 8 min **last week was much better speed, keep that up!
B. Deadlift, 1/15 sec for 7 min @ 80% bar weight **keep the speed!
+ 250<< started struggling with these
12 min EMOM
1st- 12 Alt DB Snatch, 50#
2nd- Row 12 Cals
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Power Snatch, 65#
2nd- 3 Ring Dips + 4 Box Jumps, 36”
**you can rest 3 min b/w sets

Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A1. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, 3 x 3, rest 60 sec **start @ 80% of 1RM from last week and build
A2. Weighted Strict Pull-Ups, 3 x 3, rest 60 sec
20,25,30<< last rep on 30 chin just got even with bar

A3. CG Bench Press @ 80-85% of A1, 3 x 4-5 reps, rest 60 sec
A4. Legless Rope Climb, 3 x 1 reps + 1 Rope Climb w/ Legs, rest 90 sec
***A1-4 is superset
10 min @ aerobic effort
50 Wallball, 20#
50 Burpees
AMRAP CTB Pull-Ups in remaining time
Ended first to at 6:23 got 16 ctb
Rest 5 min
10 min @ aerobic effort
3 Toes to Bar
15 Overhead Squats, 75#
6 Toes to Bar
15 OHS, 75#
9 Toes to Bar
15 OHS, 75#
**continue increasing TTB by 3’s
12 into round of 15 ttb


Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Squat Clean + Hang Clean + Split Jerk, tough single in 12 min **start @ 70% and increase off feel as perfect technique allows
150,155,165,175,185,190,195 tried 200 could only get clean

B1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 6 x 1 @ 90+% for all sets, rest 60 sec
B2. GH Raise @ 40X1 (use band assistance as needed), 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
C. Double KB RDL @ 3010, 4 x 6/leg, rest as needed
70kb each hand
D. Back Rack Hold @ 105% of BSQ 1RM, 4 x 10 sec, rest as needed

Saturday- UB Structural Strength + Threshold Cyclical
A1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press @ 20X2, 4 x 5/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms 55,60,65,70

A2. Single Arm Bent Row 20X0, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms **heavy55,60,65,70

B1. Push Press @ 20X3, 4 x 3-4, rest 60 sec
B2. L-sit Strict Pull-Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 6, rest 90 sec
3 sets
Row 3 min @ high aerobic effort (slightly slower than 2k pace)
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Sled Push 25 sec, same weight
Rest 3 min
Friday 5:10-6:58

Friday- Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. Squat Snatch, 1/min for as long as possible, start @ 115# and build 10# each min **20 DU’s before each lift
A. Squat Snatch, 1/min for as long as possible, start @ 115# and build 10# each min **no DU’s
Got to 175

B. Back Squat, build to tough double for day then -15% for 3 sets of 3-4, rest as needed **build on your 3 drop sets if it feels good (not 2RM on double, no failed reps)
285# 240,250,260
C. Halting CLEAN Deadlift w/ straps from 2” deficit @ 31X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2 min **stand on 25# bumper plates, pause 2” off the ground for 2 sec then finish the rep, control 3 sec down then 1 sec on ground to reset **all above 245# **video one set
225,245,265,285 3rd rep last set was feeling my back start to round.
D1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 4 x 5/leg alternating, rest 60 sec
D2. Back Extensions @ 4022, 4 x 12-15, rest 90 sec

Friday, October 14, 2016


Wednesday- Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Back Squat @ 75% 1RM, 1/min for 8 min **down and up as fast as possible **FASTER- drive up on the bar so hard you have to hold it on your shoulders
I goofed up and did 70% percent and not 75% copied it wrong in journel when training did 225#

B. Banded Deadlift, 1/15 sec for 7 min @ 70% bar weight **FASTER- focus on squeezing glutes to fire through that band tension **video one set
And goofed again and didn't record it
220# with black band.
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 DB Thrusters, 35#/H
2nd- Row 12 Cals
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Russian KB Swings, 70#
2nd- 10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
**you can rest 3 min b/w sets
Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A1. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to 1RM, in 10 min
A2. Weighted Towel Pull Up, build to 1RM in 10 min
B1. CG Bench Press @ 80-85% of A1, 3 x 3-4 reps, rest 30 sec
B2. Legless Rope Climb, 3 x 1 reps + 1 Rope Climb w/ Legs, rest 90 sec was able to touch the top more this week
10 min @ aerobic effort
5 Push Press, 115#
10 Deadlifts, 115#
15 Box Jumps, 24” step down
5 rounds

Rest 5 min

10 min @ aerobic effort
Run 200m
5 Ring Dips
10 Toes to Bar
20 Wallball, 20#
3 rounds about 75meters into run
Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Squat Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk, tough single in 12 min **start @ 65% and increase off feel as perfect technique allows
(I messed up and did hang squat clean instead of just hang clean, started at 140, went to 175 when I caught the clean and just wasn't stable and fell so stopped at 175 I think it was minute 8)

B1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 6 x 1 @ 90+% for all sets, rest 60 sec
#250 for all sets.

B2. GH Raise @ 40X1 (use band assistance as needed), 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
5 reps per round I did one set without band but rest with a black band. Right behind my right knee was hurting.

C. Double KB RDL @ 3010, 4 x 8/leg, rest as needed
70# each hand recorded a set to see if it was right.

D. Front Rack Hold @ 110% of FSQ 1RM, 4 x 10 sec, rest as needed

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Saturday- UB Structural Strength + Threshold Cyclical
A1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
A2. Single Arm Bent Row 20X0, 4 x 8-10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms **heavy
B1. Push Press @ 20X3, 4 x 4-5, rest 60 sec
135 for all
B2. L-sit Strict Pull-Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 5, rest 90 sec
3 sets
Row 3 min @ high aerobic effort (slightly slower than 2k pace)
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Sled Push 20 sec, same weight
Rest 3 min
Friday- 5:25-6:30
Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 12 min  **start @ 60% and build by 5% each min
Got to min. 8 form wasn't looking well stopped at 155 still struggle with speed under the bar and I was told I was riding with my butt first which I didn't know.

B. Back Squat, build to tough triple for day then -10% for 3 sets of 3-4, rest as needed **build on your 3 drop sets if it feels good (not 3RM on tripl, no failed reps)
265. 235,245,255 back was really tight.
C. Halting Snatch Deadlift w/ straps from 2” deficit @ 31X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2 min **stand on 25# bumper plates, pause 2” off the ground for 2 sec then finish the rep, control 3 sec down then 1 sec on ground to reset **all above 225# **video one set
I forgot my phone at home and didn't get a video.
235 for all sets
D1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 4 x 8/leg alternating, rest 60 sec
145, 155,155
D2. Back Extensions @ 4022, 4 x 12-15, rest 90 sec
Sets of 15
Wednesday- 10:31-12:10

Strength Speed LB + Sport EMOM
A. Back Squat @ 72.5% 1RM, 2/min for 10 min **down and up as fast as possible **FASTER- drive up on the bar so hard you have to hold it on your shoulders
235 (was this better?) I don't know know how to get faster, same with deadlift.

B. Banded Deadlift, 1/20 sec for 8 min @ 70% bar weight **FASTER- focus on squeezing glutes to fire through that band tension **video one set
220 black band
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Thrusters @ 125#
2nd- Row 12 Cals
12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Power Cleans TnG @ 115#
2nd- 10 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”

Had to rest 6 minutes someone came into the box for prices.f
Tuesday- UB CP + Drop Sets + MAP 10
A1. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, build to tough single, in 10 min
A2. Weighted Towel Pull Up, build to tough single in 10 min
B1. CG Bench Press @ 80-85% of A1, 3 x 3-4 reps, rest 30 sec
B2. Legless Rope Climb, 3 x 1 reps, rest 90 sec
10 min @ aerobic effort
50 Double Unders
25 Wallball, 20#
15 Toes to Bar
5 Chest to Bar

2 rounds 8into the toes to bar.

Rest 5 min

10 min @ aerobic effort
Run 200m
15 Deadlifts, 135#
5 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Box Jumps 20”
3 rounds and 150 meters into run

6:15-8:00 Monday

Monday- Clean & Jerk Tech + FSQ Wave/GHR + SL Hinge + Core/SM
A. Squat Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk, tough single in 12 min **start @ 65% and increase off feel as perfect technique allows

B1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, rest 30 sec (second wave should be heavier than first, singles should be @ or above 90%)
185,215,235. 195,225,250
B2. GH Raise @ 40X1 (use band assistance as needed), 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
Did all but last set could only get 1 into 6th set
C. Staggered Stance RDL w/ Barbell @ 3010, 4 x 5/leg, rest as needed
D. Front Rack Hold @ 105% of FSQ 1RM, 4 x 10 sec, rest as needed

Sunday, October 2, 2016


A1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms
A2. Single Arm Bent Row 20X0, 4 x 8-10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w arms **heavy
B1. Push Press @ 20X3, 3 x 6-8, rest 60 sec
135,145-failed 8th rep waited 10 seconds did the 8th, dropped wait to 140 same thing happened on the 8th rep
B2. L-sit Strict Pull-Ups @ 20X1, 3 x 4-6, rest 90 sec
+ set of 4, set of 5, set of 6
3 sets
Row 3 min @ high aerobic effort (slightly slower than 2k pace)
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Sled Push 18 sec, heavy grinding weight but steady movement for 15 sec
Rest 3 min

#100 pounds

All three sets 1:50-55
Friday- Snatch Tech + Squat Int + Snatch Strength + SL Vol + Bending Hyp
A. Low Hang Snatch (below knee), 1/min for 12 min
(I felt really light headed on the first lift for some reason) felt that way whole emom took a few minutes the felt fine after don't know what it was
95,115,125,135 through the rest of the 12 minutes
B. Back Squat, build to tough single for day then -15-20% for 3 sets of 3-4, rest as needed **build on your 3 drop sets if it feels good (not 1RM on single, no failed reps)
300, 240,255,280
C. Halting Snatch Deadlift w/ straps from 2” deficit @ 31X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2 min **stand on 25# bumper plates, pause 2” off the ground for 2 sec then finish the rep, control 3 sec down then 1 sec on ground to reset **all above 205#
D1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge off 45# plate, 3 x 8/leg alternating, rest 60 sec
D2. Back Extensions @ 4022, 3 x 12-15, rest 90 sec
Sets of 15