Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday- UB ME + UB Density + Mixed MAP
A1. Incline Bench Press, 6 sets to build to 2RM **2 x 45# plates under end of bench if you don’t have an incline bench 
A2. Strict Lean Away CTB Pull Ups, 6 x 4-5 reps, rest 90 sec https://youtu.be/8SWOa_jkHSM

10 min AMRAP
7 CTB Pull Ups
2 Ring Dips
5 Ring Push Ups
7 rounds 3 reps tried kipping ctb, still struggle to get chest to touch

3 sets @ consistent effort, mix and match order each set
Row 500m
18 Wallball, 20#
15 KB Swings, 70#
12 Box Jump Overs, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w setswf

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Friday- Snatch Tech + Snatch CP + Pause FSQ + Core stability

A. 3-Position Snatch, 1/90 sec for 7 sets (high hang, mid thigh, floor), building *no failed reps
45, 65,75,85,95,95,105

B. Heaving Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats, build to a tough complex in 12 min
105, 125, 135,145, ended with 155

C. Front Squat @ 14X1, build to 4RM then drop 10% for 2 sets of 4
205 dropped it to the 10% 185 2 sets of 4

D1. Front Rack Yoke or Barbell Carry- 4 x 100’ w/ 65% 1RM FSQ, rest as needed
D2. Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’ heavy, rest as needed
100 pound db each hand. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A. Snatch Balance- build to 1RM- focus on speed under it.  When it slows down, stop.
B. Snatch, build to 1RM **video from 45 degree angle
The video shows attempt 155, twice then down at 145 was the final attempt

C. Snatch Pull @ 100% of above, 3 x 3 reps, rest 2 min
D. Overhead Squat- build to 1RM
+ could only get 155 today 

Row 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 3 **record high pace/500m reached
+ 1:21,1:22,1:20

Row 2k for time:
**record max HR, avg HR, avg pace/500m, time 
Don't have a heart rate monitor yet. 
7:14, adv between 1:48-1:55

All the snatches felt really off today I don't know if technique is that far off or what?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A1. CG Bench Press, build to 1RM
A2. Weighted Strict Pull-Ups @ 21X1, build to 1RM 
1@30 pounds 
B. 50 Strict HSPU’s for time:
After 5 minutes of trying  I couldn't  get 1 repetition. 
C. 50 Strict Pull Ups for time:

Monday, May 23, 2016

A. Front Squat, build to 1RM
B. Front Rack RFE Split Squat- build to 5RM each leg
R 205 L 205
C. 3 min AMRAP Toes to Bar
I believe it was 60, I could hear my alarm for a few seconds over the boxes music

For time:
Row 250m
15 KB Swings, 53#
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings, 53#
Row 250m

Saturday, May 21, 2016

A1. Behind the Neck Press (normal narrow press grip), build to 1RM
115! It was starting to look shaky but I got that bad boy up. 

A2. Ice Cream Makers as Slow as Possible, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 90 sec **pretty good last week, continue keeping core tight and try to pull higher in pull up position  -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvqzvcY2Hs
10 rounds for time:
Row 500m
15 Burpees

Friday, May 20, 2016

A. Back Squat- build to 1RM
B. Back Squat @ 85%- 1 x max reps
275, 10 reps 
C. Squat Clean, build to 1RM
D. Squat Clean @ 75% 1RM- 30 reps for time 
A. Pressing Snatch Balance, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec  
B. Snatch Balance- build to 1RM- focus on speed under it.  When it slows down, stop.
C. Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 41X1, 5 x 2 reps, rest 2 min

D1. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 3010, 4 x 5/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs **note change in tempo
D2. Glute Ham Raise @ 50X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 60 sec *video **use band assistance if needed

2 x Row 25 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets
Row 500m @ -2 sec pace from last week
Rest 60 sec 1:50

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A1. CG Bench Press @ 21X1 (index finger where knurling meets smooth part), 5 x 2, rest 60 sec  @ 175# across all 5 sets
Whew these were tough 

A2. Weighted Strict CTB Pull-Ups @ 21X1, 5 x 3, rest 90 sec **add weight if possible 
4 rounds with 10 pounds 

B1. Bar Dips @ 15X1, 4 x 4-5 reps, rest 60 sec **5 sec pause in the bottom

I don't know why I'm struggling so bad with these. Still using box assistance for all sets 

B2. Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 60 sec **2 sec pause at top, 2 sec down 95 pounds all sets 
12 min AMRAP
14 GH Sit Ups
7 Single Arm DB Push Pres/arm tough weight 50 pounds 
7 Box Jumps, 40”
I think 3 or 4 rounds I was having a lot of trouble still with those GHD sit ups I don't know what I am doing wrong to cause such a sharp pain in my lower back. 
A. Back Squat @ 22X1, 5 x 2, rest 2 min **275-295# across all 5 sets

B. Front Rack Walking Lunge, build to 50’ max load
185, was smooth until wrist gave out 2 lounges short.

C. Farmer’s Carry, 5 x 50’ unbroken, rest 90 sec **heavy 100lbs 
15 min @ Z1 (recovery pace)
Bike 20 Cals
20 V-Ups
20 Back Extensions
20’ HS Walk
2 rounds, I fell a lot in the handstand wall walks 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A1. Behind the Neck Press (normal narrow press grip) @ 20X2, 5 x 6 reps, rest 30 sec  **focus on keeping core tight

A2. Ice Cream Makers as Slow as Possible, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 90 sec **pretty good last week, continue keeping core tight and try to pull higher in pull up position  -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvqzvcY2Hs
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:04/500m
15 Wallball, 20#
Rest 60 sec b/w sets
3 sets 
Row 1000m @ 2:04/500m
15 Power Snatch, 55#
Rest 60 sec b/w sets

A. Back Squat @ 90-97%, 4 x 1 rep, rest 90-120 sec **no failed reps
300, first two felt difficult second two felt smooth 

B. Back Squat @ 75-85%, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 2 min
265 sets of 4

C. Squat Clean, 1/90 sec for 8 reps, building to tough single
135,145,155,165,175,185, 195, failed 205, did 195, failed the 8th at 195 my legs and back where smoked from squatting I don't know I just could t keep my mid line tight anymore.  

D. Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift w/ straps @ 22X1, 3 x 3 reps, rest 2 min  **to just below knee cap **2 sec 
down, 2 sec pause at bottom position
195, 225, 265 the 265 was ugly I felt like 

E. BB Front Rack Carry, 4 x 100’, rest as needed **heavy
 225 , 255 for the rest 

Friday, May 13, 2016

A. Pressing Snatch Balance, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec  *perfect last week

B. Snatch Balance- build to 4RM **2 sec pause in catch position **focus on aggressive fast lockout and punch with arms/shoulders.  As you’re lowering down keep core tight and soft knees to receive it.
C. Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 41X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 2 min
225,255,280 last set was rough 

D1. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 3030, 4 x 7/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
140 all sets

D2. Glute Ham Raise @ 50X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 60 sec *video **use band assistance if needed
3 x Row 22 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min b/w sets
1:22, 1:21,1:22
3 sets
Row 500m @ -2 sec pace from last week
Rest 60 sec

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A1. CG Bench Press @ 21X1 (index finger where knurling meets smooth part), 5 x 3, rest 60 sec  @ 165# across all 5 sets

A2. Weighted Strict CTB Pull-Ups @ 21X1, 5 x 5, rest 90 sec **add weight if possible **1 sec chin above bar, 2 sec down, 1 sec at bottom, Xplode Up

Really struggling getting my chest to the bar still this was my last set and this is how it's pretty much consistently been looking like  

B1. Bar Dips @ 15X1, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 60 sec **5 sec pause in the bottom
Really struggled third set and fell off the bar at rep 4. Set4 did 4 reps then box assistance, box assistance all 6 for all of them held my own weight at the bottom always. 

B2. Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 60 sec **2 sec pause at top, 2 sec down

10 min AMRAP
12 V-Ups
6 Single Arm DB Push Pres/arm tough weight ( 40lb)
6 Box Jumps, 40”

4 and 19 

Monday, May 9, 2016

A. Back Squat @ 22X1, 5 x 3, rest 2 min **265-275# across all 5 sets
B. Front Rack Step Ups, 4 x 5/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
C. Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’ unbroken, rest 90 sec


15 min @ Z1 (recovery pace)
Bike 20 Cals
20 sec L-Sit Hang from Bar
15 Back Extensions
2 Wall Walks
4 rounds 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

A1. Behind the Neck Press (normal narrow press grip) @ 20X2, 5 x 8 reps, rest 30 sec  **focus on keeping core tight
65,75,75,4th dropped at 5 found what is causing that elbow pain from tightness in that rear shoulders like you were saying, then did set 4 again and 5 at 75

A2. Ice Cream Makers as Slow as Possible, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 90 sec **pretty good last week, continue keeping core tight and try to pull higher in pull up position  -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvqzvcY2Hs

3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:06/500m
15 Wallball, 20#
Rest 60 sec b/w sets
3 sets 
Row 1000m @ 2:06/500m
15 Power Snatch, 55#
Rest 60 sec b/w sets

A. Back Squat @ 90-92%, 4 x 1 rep, rest 90-120 sec

B. Back Squat @ 75-80%, 4 x 4-5 reps, rest 2 min

C. Squat Clean Cluster, 5 x 1.1.1, rest 10 sec b/w singles, 2 min b/w sets **this is sets of 3 but not TnG, so you’ll do 1, drop, rest 10 sec, do 1, drop rest 10 sec, do 1 drop rest 2 min x 5
135,155,185,205,210 elbow was not feeling to hot 

D. Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift w/ straps @ 22X1, 3 x 4 reps, rest 2 min  **to just below knee cap **2 sec down, 2 sec pause at bottom position
Lol these didn't help it either ahah

E. Double KB Front Rack Carry, 3 x 150’, rest as needed 
Couldn't go heavier that elbow was tender 53kb

I copied the wrong friday by mistake