Tuesday- UB ME + UB Density + Mixed MAP
A1. Incline Bench Press, 6 sets to build to 2RM **2 x 45# plates under end of bench if you don’t have an incline bench
A2. Strict Lean Away CTB Pull Ups, 6 x 4-5 reps, rest 90 sec https://youtu.be/8SWOa_jkHSM
10 min AMRAP
7 CTB Pull Ups
2 Ring Dips
5 Ring Push Ups
7 rounds 3 reps tried kipping ctb, still struggle to get chest to touch
3 sets @ consistent effort, mix and match order each set
Row 500m
18 Wallball, 20#
15 KB Swings, 70#
12 Box Jump Overs, 24”
Rest 3 min b/w setswf