Thursday, November 17, 2016

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 8 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 70%, 2/min for 9 min, move bar up and down as fast as possible
B. Strict Chest to Bar- 3/50 for 8 sets
+ 1/3, 2/3,2/3,0/3,0/3,0/3,0/3,0/3. << this is as many times out of the three each set my chest made co tact with bar I struggle with the pulling back of my arms to make contact with bar.

5 rounds
5 Squat Cleans, 155#
5 Box Jumps, 40”
5 Bench Press @ 65% (135)
I liked this wod it just felt smooth cleans were singles the thing that took me a second to recover from each time was the box jumps
10 sec Sled Sprint MAX EFFORT, rest 1:50 x 6 **add 10# to last week
Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Snatch, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 75%
130, still struggling with bar placement in hip, video will be in Friday session

B. Front Squat, 2/min for 8 min @ 70% **move bar as fast as possible
C. Deadlift, 1/20 sec for 7 min @ 70%, rip bar off ground as fast as possible
D. DB Russian Step ups, 3 x 16 reps/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs **20/leg with DB’s in each hand, not 20 total.  I want you do do all 20 reps on one side, then rest, then all 20 on other side, just clarifying to make sure it’s done right.
E. Death March, 3 x 24 steps, rest 90 sec-
Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Regular Grip Bench Press, build to 3RM
A2. Towel Pull-Up, build to 3RM (12 min for A1 and A2)
B. Seated DB Press, 8 x 8 reps, rest 45 sec b/w each set
C. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s @ 2020 tempo, 5 x 10, rest 60 sec b/w
200m Reverse Sled Walk for time w/ 65# on top **Use BFR
200m Forward Sled Walk w/ 65# on top with Farmer’s Carry, 53#/H **Use BFR
Was able to go unbroken

Saturday, November 12, 2016

11:40-1:26 sat. (Still struggled with head cold)

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Split Jerk, 1/min for 8 min @ 85%
+ 180 ( need to video a set next week, I have trouble receiving the barbell from the jerk keeps hurting my chest)

12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
10 DB Shoulder to OH, 45-55#’s
10 DB Bent Row’s, 45-55#’s
#45, 4 rounds this really gassed me

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 25 Cals
10 Ring Push Ups @ 2020
12 Russian KB Swings, 70#
Again no bike battery for calories so biked as long as it took me forever the 350 row so 1:20 each bike
4 rounds and finished the set with bike

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
100’ Double KB Front Rack Carry, 53#/H
30 sec Side Plank each side from Hand w/ 25# DB on hip
10 Alt DB Step Ups, 35#/H
4 rounds finished right side plank 10 seconds into left so I just finished it.

Friday 4:05-6:00 (still sick)

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Squat Snatch, 1/min for 10 min **start @ 70% and build off feel, no failed reps 120-145 failed second 145 got rest for the rest of emom( should I stop emom or stay at that weight for rest of emom?)
B. Front Squat @ 11X1, build to 2RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **note change in tempo
235 again I don't know why I can't get heavier
210 for sets
C. Deadlift @ 60%, 20, 10, 10, 10 **all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
Read percentage wrong 230 lol really tough but did it
D. Back Squat, 70 unbroken @ 115#
This took me 4:26 I don't know why it took so long I was sweating bullets even thought was 10 more of last week

E. Sled Walk forward- 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec **85# on sled **use Blood Flow Restriction

Wednesday: 5:25-7:00 ( beginning of feeling sick)

Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 8 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 65%, 3/min for 9 min, move bar up and down as fast as possible
B. Strict Chest to Bar- 3/min for 8 min
+ I notice I struggle to not move hips to make contact with the bar I still struggle to pull high enough to make contact. Make it to about an inch above breast.

5 rounds
5 Thrusters, 135#
5 Box Jumps, 40”
5 Ring Dips
10 sec Sled Sprint MAX EFFORT, rest 1:50 x 6 **add 10# to last week

Tuesday: 5:30-7:07

Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Snatch, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 72.5%
B. Front Squat, 3/min for 8 min @ 65% **move bar as fast as possible
C. Deadlift, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 70%, rip bar off ground as fast as possible
D. DB Russian Step ups, 3 x 20 reps/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs **20/leg
with DB’s in each hand, not 20 total.  I want you do do all 20 reps on one side, then rest, then all 20 on other side, just clarifying to make sure it’s done right.
35 each hand
E. Death March, 3 x 28 steps, rest 90 sec-
Monday: 6:19-7:44

Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. Wide Grip Bench Press, build to 2RM
A2. Pronated Grip Pull-Up, build to 3RM (12 min for A1 and A2)
B. Seated DB Press, 8 x 8 reps, rest 45 sec b/w each set **did you do this pressing overhead last week or like bench press???
I did them like bench press so I did them overhead this week
C. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s @ 2020 tempo, 5 x 12, rest 60 sec b/w sets
95,100,105,105,105 I messed up the tempo and did two seconds at top and two seconds down
400m Reverse Sled Walk for time w/ 45# on top **Use BFR
Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 100m each arm w/ 70#
Took about 1:05 for each hand

Sat. 3:25-4:47
Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Split Jerk, 1/min for 8 min @ 82.5%
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
3 Wall Walks
10 Goblet Squats, 35# @ 3030 tempo
3 rounds 2 wall walks

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 25 Cals
20 sec Ring Support Hold
10 Double DB RDL w/ 35#/H @ 3030 tempo
3 rounds 3 rdl

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
30 sec Hollow Hold
15 sec Chin over Ring Hold
4 ,350 row

Friday: 5:23-6:51

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled
A. Low Hang Squat Snatch, 1/min for 10 min **start @ 70% and build off feel, no failed reps
120-145, failed did 135 for rest ( if I fail a rep do I stop the emom?)
And some how deleted the video of the snatch, I'll record it again next week. ( I was hitting the barbell right in the crease of the hips, is it ok to hit lower then my "manhood" or should it be hip crease

B. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to 2RM in 12 min then -10-15% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **3 sec pause in bottom
235, 210 for sets
C. Deadlift @ 55%, 20, 10, 10, 10 **all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
D. Back Squat, 60 unbroken @ 115#
Took me 2:29
E. Sled Walk forward- 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec **75# on sled **use Blood Flow Restriction

Friday, November 4, 2016


Wednesday- DE UB + CF heavy + Sprints
1 negative Muscle Up/45 sec for 8 reps
A. CG Bench Press @ 60%, 3/min for 9 min, move bar up and down as fast as possible
B. Strict Chest to Bar- 2/min for 8 min
+still struggling to get everyone to make contact with bar, don't k is if its grip technique and noticed I used my hips a few times so really had to try not to move by keeping that core tight.

5 rounds for time:
12 Front Rack Lunges, 135#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 135#
6 Shoulder to OH, 135#
10 sec Sled Sprint MAX EFFORT, rest 1:50 x 6 **heavy load but light enough to sprint


Tuesday- Oly  speed + DE LB + SL Vol
A. Power Snatch, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 70%
B. Front Squat, 3/min for 8 min @ 60% **move bar as fast as possible
C. Deadlift, 1/30 sec for 8 min @ 65%, rip bar off ground as fast as possible
D. DB Russian Step ups, 3 x 20 reps/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
I think it was 53,this was really tough on the hands more then the step ups
E. Death March, 3 x 30 steps, rest 90 sec-
Monday- ME UB + Density + Core/Sled
A1. CG Bench Press, build to 3RM
145,175,185. Failed attempts @ 190-95 to get three

A2. Supinated Grip Pull-Up, build to 3RM (12 min for A1 and A2)
B. Seated DB Press, 8 x 8 reps, rest 45 sec b/w each set **start 
conservative, this will get tough
C. Supinated Grip Bent Row’s, 5 x 10, rest 60 sec b/w sets
400m Sled Walk for time w/ 45# on top
4:18 (this really hit that area of my back we talked about with having th strap around my waste,in a good way.
Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 200m each arm w/ 53#

Saturday- Oly Tech + Low % Aerobic
A. Split Jerk, 1/min for 8 min @ 80%

12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
3 Wall Walks
20 Steps Walking Lunges
3 and 1 wall walk

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Bike 25 Cals
20 sec Ring Support Hold
15 Hip Extensions
4 half way through bike, battery died in bike so bass it off my time rowing for the 25 cal

Rest 3 min
12 min @ 60-70%
Row 350m
30 sec FLR on Rings
15 sec Chin over Bar Hold
4 10 sec into ring hold.
Friday 4:25-5:55

Friday- Oly ME + ME LB + Volume + Sled
**move quickly through this and your warm up- ideally you get this in under 90 minutes from start of A to last sled

A. Hang Squat Snatch, 1/min for 10 min **start @ 70% and build off feel, no failed reps

B. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to 3RM in 12 min then -10% for 3 x 3, rest 2 min **3 sec pause in bottom
135,185,215,235. 210 for sets of three with tempo.

C. Deadlift @ 50%, 20, 10, 10, 10 **all unbroken sets, must lower bar down slower than it comes up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
D. Back Squat, 50 unbroken @ 95#
Don't know if this was for time but it took me a 1:56
E. Sled Walk forward- 4 x 60 sec, rest 90 sec **75# on sled